
Hello!  Thank you for stopping by!  I am Stephanie and this blog is a new venture for me!  I have always wanted to have a blog but could never figure out how to narrow down exactly what I wanted to blog about.  Would I just focus on cooking?  Family life?  Household projects and crafts?  I always thought I needed to have a clear standout topic.

Well guess what?  Not.  Gonna.  Happen.

I have entirely too much to say!  Any of my close friends and family will be the first to tell you that I just LOVE to talk.  Can't help it....I consider it a gift!  Life is just filled with too many interesting things to limit myself to one main focus topic.  Enter....the mish mosh of my life.  :)

I came up with the name 'Simply Stephanie' for several reasons.  I am an oxymoron.  I consider myself simple yet complex.  You know....like jumbo shrimp.  When looking at other blogs, I am beyond impressed at the creativity of some of the bloggers.  It appears that a lot of them are stay at home moms.  And that is wonderful, they are truly blessed and I give them credit for that is one of the hardest jobs.  But a lot of people are not so lucky.  They work and their time is limited.  Sometimes when I look at the events, parties, crafts, etc. that they do, I am in awe.  But I always think, how in the world do they have the time to do all of that!  Which leads me back to the 'Simply' part of this blog name.  I have to be realistic with myself.  While I would love to say that the content of this blog will be 'Martha-worthy', I just simply can not make that claim.  In my dreams, I am 'Martha-worthy'.  In fact, my mother is 'Martha-worthy'.  It's just entirely too much pressure for me.  Too.  Much.

So what I can say is that I will do my best to make this blog interesting.  I hope to have recipes, tips that I have learned, maybe some crafts, funny stories, a lot of pictures to go along with everything, some current pop culture thrown in to spice it up. (Disclaimer: I am sadly a reality tv junkie.  I do like the Discovery & History channel but reality tv is my guilty pleasure.  I apologize in advance.)  It may take some time so please bare with me.  Stick around.  I promise that I do have a sense of humor and will try to use it as much as possible.

Basically, I have no idea what direction this blog will take but I intend to enjoy the ride!

Fasten your seat belts!



  1. I think this is an amazing start & cannot wait to follow you on your journey! Thank you for making me laugh out loud...several times already! ~D Maute xo

    1. Thank you, Donna! Your support means more than you know! XO
