Sunday, August 5, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

Who doesn't love the weekends?

I wrote yesterday that on Friday night we were invited to my cousin's house for dinner.  What a great time we had!  We used to do these dinners a lot years ago when my daughter was young.  This dinner reminded us of how much we enjoyed them and we plan on doing this more frequently.  One of my daughter's friends, who lives close to my cousin and who is like a second daughter to me, even stopped by which just meant more laughs because the girl is hysterical! :)

On Saturday, we decided to go to the party store to get supplies for Myah's first birthday.  I can't tell you how much I LOVE a good party store!  LOL

Funny thing on the way to the party store, we were driving down a busy street and lo and behold, there goes a beach ball just rolling away looking for a party to join.

I mean look at this:
It just makes me want to throw a party a week!

Samantha (my daughter) and Myah (my granddaughter) being silly with some party props!
Outside, Myah was thrilled to see a picture of one of her favorite girls:

I think the moral of my post is this:  you can always make the most simple of things into an adventure.  Enjoy each moment for it's the little things that make life worth living.

Today is Sunday and I just plan on enjoying the day and my family.

I hope your weekend was a good one!

Until next time!


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