Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My First Post

Well, this is it.  My first post.  Hmmmmm....

It's late.  I just finished the first step of designing the blog layout.  Yup.  I have no clue what I'm doing but figure what the heck, let's give it a whirl.  I mean what do I have to lose?  Right now the only person who is reading this is me, so it's all good on the blog front.  I'm not yet ready to tell anyone I know that I have a blog.  Fear of failure, fear of judgement....not sure why that is.  Funny how you can present something to the world of strangers with reckless abandonment but yet when it comes to the people you love....not so reckless!

I was going to wait to make my first post until I had something worthy of posting.  However, I just couldn't resist.  I needed to see that there was a first entry.

I apologize for the nothingness of this post.

I apologize for any run-on sentences or ones that end in prepositions.  I never promised perfect grammar but will try my best!

My thinking is that if I committed to making a first post, I would then be motivated to make another one.  One that actually has something interesting to say.  Cross your fingers with me to see that it happens.  Place your bets.  According to Vegas the odds are in your favor!

Until next time!  (I think I will work on coming up with a catchy sign off....)
